The influence of the new generation of communication on the formation on the future economy: monograph; Edited by I. Tatomyr, L. Kvasnii. Praha: Oktan Print, 2022, 168 р.
Recommended for publication by the Precarpathian Institute named of M. Hrushevsky of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management (Protocol №10 dated 11.05.2022)
Levan Jakeli Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Law of Batumi State University. Sh. Rustaveli (Georgia)
Justyna Krzywkowska Doctor of Law, assistant professor Department of Legal Theory and History Faculty of Law and Administration University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (Poland)
Yeliseyeva Oksana Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Statistics, Accounting and Economic Informatics of Dnipro National University named after Oles Honchar (Ukraine)
Irina Tatomyr PhD in Economics, Associate Professor
Liubov Kvasnii Ph.D in Economics, Associate Professor
The work was performed within the research topic of the Mykhailo Hrushevsky Precarpathian Institute «Ukraine in the context of world and national modernization processes of statehood and civil society: political, legal, economic, social, psychological and administrative aspects» (Registration number 0119U100492. Date of registration - February 12, 2019)
The publication is assigned with a DOI number:
eBook ISBN 978-80-88415-81-7
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